Rippling is an all-in-one human resources (HR) management platform, commonly used for streamlining employee management, payroll, and IT operations. Integrating Uniqode Cards with your Rippling account allows you to create digital business cards at scale for your employees as soon as you onboard them.
Uniqode BUSINESS+ plan with admin privileges.
An active Rippling account with admin privileges.
Integrate your Uniqode account with Rippling
Get your Uniqode account's API Key and Tenant URL
Sign in to your Uniqode Cards account
If you are the account owner or admin of the master organization (super admin) and have multiple organizations, choose the organization that you want to integrate with Rippling from the top-right corner near the bell icon.
Click Integrations in the left menu, then click Rippling
Download the Uniqode logo to be added on Rippling.
Note: If you are an admin of an organization other than the master organization, you can only integrate Rippling for that specific organization.
Configure Rippling to integrate with Uniqode
Sign in to your Rippling Admin account and go to Custom Integrations under IT
Click Create new Custom Integration
Create a custom integration with the name “Uniqode” and select category as Access Management
Select User Management via SCIM for What type of app would you like to create?
Upload the Uniqode logo downloaded from the dashboard
Continue with SCIM Configuration and select the required attributes for Supported SCIM attributes
Click Continue and Install Now
Select I’m Uniqode admin, I’ll integrate and Continue
Paste the API KEY copied from the Uniqode dashboard for the Bearer Token and click Continue
For the next steps, you can continue with your preferred provisioning settings
For SCIM Configuration:
Select SCIM version 2.0
Leave the Does not support One-way Sync toggle disabled
Paste the SCIM URL copied for the Uniqode dashboard
Select Bearer Token as the SCIM authorization method
Disable Supports Groups and Support Pagination
Select Use email address as username
For Supported SCIM attributes, select the following:
Create and configure your Cards template
Go back to your Uniqode Cards account
Click Integrations in the left menu, then click Rippling.
Click Manage Configuration
Under the Templates tab, select the template you want to assign for your employees' cards.
In the Settings tab, you have the options to send user invite email. You can enable it to invite newly onboarded users via email to make them join your organization and reset their Uniqode account passwords.
Click Save changes
Note: Auto-save business cards, GPS location, and Two-way contact sharing settings are now managed under Organization Settings. If any of these settings are enabled or disabled, they will be applied to cards that will be created from then on.
Integrate Rippling with multiple organizations
Imagine you are the IT manager of a large IT company with three distinct departments. Each department is created as a separate Organization in Uniqode for different purposes and requires Rippling integration. To do this, you need to integrate each organization individually.
For each organization:
1. Select the organization in Uniqode
2. Create a custom integration in Rippling
3. Assign users to this application
In Rippling, you can only create one enterprise application per organization. To integrate the other departments, repeat these steps for each organization.
To integrate Rippling with multiple organizations:
Sign in to Uniqode Cards as the account owner
Choose the organization that you want to integrate with Rippling from the top-right corner near bell icon
Note: While naming your app, give another name with respect to the organization for which you are integrating your Rippling organization.
Resend email invites to the users
If your users haven't already accepted the invite to join your organization, you can re-send the invite emails again to them. To do so:
Click on your profile in the top-right corner
Click User Management
Select the users to whom you want to send the invite
Click Send Invite
Click Confirm
Note: If you try to send the invite to a user who has already accepted the invite and joined your organization, they won't receive this email.
Updates on Rippling
When updates are made in Rippling, the system internally marks the user as "removed" in the custom integration. This prevents the updates from reflecting on the card. To apply the changes, the user must be invited again by going through the integration setup process once more.
Delete users and their cards
When you suspend a user from your Rippling custom integration, they are automatically removed from Uniqode account. Suspend the user on the Rippling custom integration before off-boarding to ensure their data is deleted.
Their card will also be deleted in the following cases:
When you add a user to Uniqode via Rippling, a user seat is consumed, and their card is created. If you suspend that user from your Rippling integration, their account and card are deleted from Uniqode, and the user seat is freed.
When you invite a user to your organization in Uniqode, a user seat is consumed. If the same user also exists in Rippling, when you sync, a card is automatically created for that user. When you delete that user from your Rippling integration, only their card is deleted from your Uniqode account. You need to remove that user from your organization in Uniqode manually.
Please note that users with Viewers or Editors cannot delete the users or cards created via Rippling in your organization in Uniqode.
Note: If you are trying to delete an admin or owner who has integrated Rippling with Uniqode, please transfer their ownership to another user.