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Cards (Digital Business Cards)
How to create, personalize, and share your digital contact information
Customize your digital business card to increase your brand value
Simplify digital business cards creation using templates
Set editable fields restrictions for your employees cards
Customize your Wallet Passes to highlight your brand
Enhance your digital business cards using new layouts
Add custom labels for your contact information in Cards
Enable Multi-language support to connect better with people around the world
Personalize your Cards with Custom Fonts
Advanced Customization options to fine tune your business card
Create Apple Wallet Pass for your digital business cards
Create Google Wallet Pass for your digital business cards
Collect and manage contacts while sharing your digital business card
Share digital business cards with your employees
Virtual Background for your Digital Business Cards
Email Signature for your Digital Business Cards
Create digital business cards for your employees using Microsoft Entra ID integration
Export your contacts to CRM solutions using Zapier
Export your collected Contacts from Uniqode to Salesforce CRM
Drive Leads with HubSpot Integration
Create digital business cards for your employees using Okta
Create digital business cards for your employees using Rippling